XIM4 on the PS4! Setup, Configuration, and Review! leave a reply Say hello to DM21's newest contributor, Inigmas as he brings you a review of the XIM4 for the PS4. This is just the first in a series of videos as he reviews and shows off his Pro-Gaming setup! He'll be bringing this setup to Destiny on 9/9!Be sure to check out the rest of the channel!Join us on our Social Networks!Facebook: www.facebook.com/DM21GamingTwitch: www.twitch.tv/damienmartinThis video contains my own editing and commentary and is for educational purposes. -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/damienmartinVideo Rating: / 5 **********************▼ Info ▼**********************HORI TAC Pro vs XIM4 vs PC | BEST PS4 Mouse and Keyboard ControlIn this video I show the standard that I have when it comes to a mouse and keyboard peripheral on a consol. This is why I don't favor the TAC Pro or the TAC4 before it. The peripheral that I have been and still recommend is the XIM4.HORI TAC Pro review: https://youtu.be/3RZA7zXO740Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/2eJCshwXIM4 review: https://youtu.be/PvElk0WjtiMAmazon Link: http://amzn.to/2elU84hLogitech G ProAmazon Link: http://amzn.to/2fTplZ0Logitech G13Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/2eXpTvL**********************▼Extra Info & Links▼**********************☆☆☆My PC and Peripherals☆☆☆➤Link - http://www.logicalincrements.com/g/recklessyuki/✪✪✪Help support my channel while shopping at Amazon✪✪✪➤Amazon US - http://www.amazon.com/?tag=reckyuki-20➤Amazon UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/?tag=reckyuki-21➤Amazon Canada - http://www.amazon.ca/?tag=reckyuki0d-20☆☆☆Keep in touch and up to date with the following☆☆☆➤Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/recklessyuki➤Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RecklessYuki➤Twitter - https://twitter.com/Reckless_Yuki➤Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+RecklessYukihatesthisurl-http://gameprostar.com/xim4-on-the-ps4-setup-configuration-and-review/-Configuration, Review, Setup, XIM4-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Installing something on Xbox One in the Queue Next Post HAWKEN (E3 2016) Official Announce Trailer - Mech MMO Game post written by: Rafael Related Posts5 HIDDEN Features in GTA 5 Xbox One, PS4 and PC GTA 5 - 5 Hidden Features ADDED in GTA 5 Next Gen.►► SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/TeamSilent ◄◄● Follow me on Twitter! http:/… Continue ReadingYGOTAS Episode 21 - Massively Multiplayer Online Children's Card Game - LittleKuriboh An anime parody created by LittleKuriboh. This is an episode of a comedy using footage from YGO featuring such characters as Yugi, Yami, Kaiba, Joey, etc.Vi… Continue Reading⚡ MONSTER 6TB PS4 HARD DRIVE! ⚡ & Nyko Data Bank [UNBOXING/REVIEW] I have to thank GoHardDrive.com for the product! Without them, this would not be possible on my channel!(EDIT: REST MODE DOES WORK!)Product:http://amzn.to/1… Continue ReadingLet's Play GTA V Online (GTA 5) - EP01 - Vinny Chops After finishing the main story in single player, I try out some online stuff!More info on the game can be found here:http://www.rockstargames.comBig thanks … Continue Readingtop 10 android game offline apk only part 2 -http://gameprostar.com/top-10-android-game-offline-apk-only-part-2/-Android, Game, offline, ONLY, Part-Android… Continue Reading
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