10 Best Games That Let You Create Custom Characters leave a reply Creating your avatar in a video game is perhaps one of the most satisfying sensation a gamer could have simply because you can model it to perfectly match your expectations. Because of this reason, the games that give us a high degree of freedom when it comes to choosing facial features, hairstyles and body shapes and sizes are the most appreciated. And since creating a character is usually an important part of the gameplay itself, in today’s video you’ll see 10 of the best games with in depth character customization options.Video Rating: / 5 Hello folks, welcome to a Tutorial requested by a few of you on Reddit/Twitter/Youtube/Steam. This tutorial will show you what attributes really do for your character in Life is Feudal. For more information of Character attributes, please visit the Life is Feudal wiki, I feel like I covered the majority of which the Wiki states and I hope this tutorial was of some use to you. Thanks again for watching.Anyone curious as to what server I am on, you can find me on [US/UK] Forsaken Borders (This is a heavy RP server) If you join please give their steam group a follow and read up on rules: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/LOS16/discussions/0/152391995416251544/Useful links:http://lifeisfeudal.gamepedia.com/Statisticshttp://lifeisfeudal.gamepedia.com/Attribute-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Remember to Like, comment and Sub away if ye feel like it! Thanks for watching, check out the links below to keep up to date with my latest videos, streams or info!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/mr_feudal/Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/mr_feudalTwitter - https://twitter.com/Mr_FeudalBlog - http://mrfeudalsnews.blogspot.com/Cheers lads,Mr Feudal.Video Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/10-best-games-that-let-you-create-custom-characters/-Best, Characters, Create, custom, Games-Mmo Games Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post PS4 Black Friday Bundle (Grand Theft Auto (GTA 5) V and The Last of Us Remastered) Unboxing Next Post Neverwinter (PC) First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?" post written by: Rafael Related PostsHOW TO PLAY ZOMBIES CHRONICLES ON XBOX ONE?! (Black Ops 3 DLC5 on Xbox One!) 1 Like = I'm getting too tired for this ish★ HELP US GET TO 100K: http://bit.ly/JBDsubscribe ★--------------------------------------------------… Continue ReadingAsphalt 7: Heat - Launch Trailer Hit the speed of heat in the newest, fastest edition of the famed Asphalt series!Now available on iPhone / iPad & Android!Visit our official site at htt… Continue ReadingPokemon MMO 3D #1 Conhecendo O Jogo ►Se você gostar do meu trabalho com games e achar que mereço sua confiança inscreva-se no canal. Favorita, Clique no joinha. Assim voc&… Continue ReadingGTA 5 THUG LIFE #1 - GANG WAR BLOOD VS CRIPS GTA 5 GANG WAR PART 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiN7X_Tn348GTA 5 GANG WAR PART 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0e67R7N3KcGTA 5 GANG WAR PART 4 http… Continue ReadingRainbow Six Pro League-http://gameprostar.com/rainbow-six-pro-league/-League, RAINBOW-Ps4… Continue Reading
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