ArcheAge Beta 3: OMG I GOT A HORSE!!! leave a reply ArcheAge Beta 3: OMG I GOT A HORSE!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. In this video I carry a pony and do a quest that gives me a horse! Please enjoy :)Info about the game: ArcheAge is an MMORPG developed by Korean developer Jake Song (former developer of Lineage) and his development company, XL Games. The game was released in Korea on January 15, 2013 and has also had a closed beta in China. ArcheAge is described as a "sandpark" MMORPG, which the developers say is a hybrid of the open content style of a "sandbox" game, and the more structured play experience of a "themepark" game.Music and soundeffects from www.audiomicro.comSUBSCRIBE: ME ONFACEBOOK GOAL100REWARD: I will create a montage video featuring my best moments EVAR!!! Rating: / 5-, Beta, HORSE-Mmo Games Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Graphics Comparison | PC vs PS4 | Max Settings (60 FPS) | Gameplay & Review Next Post New! Top ten apps for ios 4.2.1 post written by: Rafael Related PostsI Was Totally Wrong About Xbox One Backwards Compatibility...And I'm Glad I Was Click here to get the PDP PS4 Energizer 2X Controller Charging Station (affiliate link): Dirt Rally Here (affiliate link):ht… Continue ReadingResident Evil 4 [English] - Android Gameplay Direct feed gameplay of the new English language version of Resident Evil 4. It's available on the Samsung Apps - For The Love Of T… Continue ReadingPaladins Gameplay First Look HD - for Paladins: Champions of the Realm reviews, videos, screenshots, music and more!Browse through hundreds of free to play MM… Continue ReadingPS4Trophies-… Continue ReadingWar Thunder PS4 Thrustmaster T.Flight joystick setup guide Not long ago war thunder added the option to use Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas 4 joystick on PlayStation 4 and this video is a guide to selecting the Thrustma… Continue Reading
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