GOD EATER Online is LIT!! | God Eater Online Gameplay IMPRESSIONS!!
GOD EATER Online is LIT!! | God Eater Online Gameplay IMPRESSIONS!!
God Eater Online had an open beta from Thursday - Monday (today, but early morning) and I was able to try it out. GOD EATER ONLINE Gameplay, plays EXACTLY like the games, just about every action that god eater is known for is available in this mobile version of God Eater. The MMORPG aspect really spices things up and gives God Eater a different feel. I thought it was very cool! Listen to me talk for more details... Use Code "JAM" for off any purchase over from play-asia.com! ----------------------------------------------- 【JOIN THE JAMSQUAD】 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/iJamm3r Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/jamm3rx/ Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/jamm3r498 Channel Discord ►https://discord.gg/012OnbcVyUIIQJe5LVideo Rating: / 5 -http://gameprostar.com/god-eater-online-is-lit-god-eater-online-gameplay-impressions/-EATER, Gameplay, Impressions, Online-Gameplay
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