PS3 YLOD leave a reply iam16bit gets the YLOD, that sucks as he was in the middle of FF13. He is going to get it reballed.Video Rating: / 5 I haven't played my PS3 (PHAT Model originally manufactured in 2007) in a couple months. When I finally wanted to use it, the machine would not start up - it was basically bricked. Turns out it has the infamous Yellow Light of Death (YLOD) which means that the graphics and cpu chips needs to be "reflowed". I called a local video game store asking them to fix it but they said that they no longer service the PHAT PS3 Models anymore (when they did the price was ). Anxious to take care of it, I decided to try to take matters into my own hands and attempt to fix the YLOD myself. This video isn't so much a technical how-to, it's more my experience through the process. Enjoy. I mostly used Greg Smith's awesome YLOD Tutorial found here: Used:Torque #10 Safety ScrewdriverPhillips Head Screwdriver (Optional Drill)Rubbing AlcoholPaper TowelHeat GunArctic Silver Thermal Compound- Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post PlayStation vs Xbox Rap Battle Next Post Soul Worker Online NA/EU English Release Scheduled For 2017! FINALLY! post written by: Rafael Related PostsNEED FOR SPEED 2015 - Is It Any Good? (PS4 Gameplay) Need For Speed site: by EA RONKUBecome a Patron Supporter and Receive Exclusive Perks!!… Continue ReadingXbox One Launch: First Booting, Initial Setup and Exploration I hook up both the Kinect 2.0 and Xbox One console. Watch to find a tip on how to mount the Kinect 2.0 if you didn't buy a mount for it but had the old Kin… Continue ReadingGreat Free Browser Game - No Install Required - Online MMO ** **Build a massive empire with the sole purpose of World Domination! This one is a little different because there… Continue ReadingXbox One Casing removal here's how you can safely remove the outer shell or casing of the Xbox One console. Also, how to easily put it all back together when you're done MON… Continue Reading10 BEST Games You Can Hack with Lucky Patcher **CLICK HERE FOR A 1080P REMASTERED VIDEO**:'t forget to like, comment and subscribe for more videos and othe… Continue Reading
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