Top 5 PS4 Games - GameSpot Game of the Year 2016

Top 5 PS4 Games - GameSpot Game of the Year 2016
This year was a great year to be a PlayStation 4 owner. We reunited with old virtual friends and found new ways to dominate the opposition with our real ones. Here are GameSpot's top 5 PlayStation 4 games from 2016.

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10 Best PS4 games coming in 2016:-
1) 0:06 Homefront The Revolution
2) 1:51 Dead Island 2
3) 2:41 Final Fantasy 15
4) 3:48 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
5) 5:14 Tom Clancy's The Division
6) 6:23 Deep Down
7) 7:19 Cyberpunk 2077
8) 8:27 Mirror edge 2
9) 9:21 Mass Effect 4
10) 9:59 ARK Survival Evolved.

-, Game, Games, GameSpot, Year-Ps4

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