¡¡Tutorial arreglar problema joystick PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3!!

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¿Con que consolas grabo?

-PlayStation 4
-Xbox 360
-PlayStation 2

¿Que cascos tengo?

- Subsonic X-Strom

¿Como grabo?

-Capturadora interna PS4
-Capturadora AverMedia HD C281
Video Rating: / 5

Replacing PS4 Thumbsticks - So you Wanna Ep 1
So you Wanna is a show about how to do stuff. From photography to opening a PS4 controller, let me be your spirit guide through the treacherous forest of ignorance.

In today's episode I give you the low down on how to rip out those old, ratty PS4 thumbsticks, and throw in some shiny aluminum ones.

You can find the thumbsticks I bought here - http://bitly.com/1RwQ60R

DISCLAIMER - Please be cautious when taking apart and putting your controller back together. It can result in minor issues - up and to your controller no longer working.

Don't forget to leave a comment, or follow me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BrianLCrawford) and leave a comment there.
Video Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/tutorial-arreglar-problema-joystick-ps4-xbox-one-xbox-360-ps3/-arreglar, joystick, Problema, tutorial, Xbox-Ps4

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