How To Use Emulators On Xbox One leave a reply Hunter from Gaming By Gamers shows you how to play emulators on xbox one.With this new website you can play Mario on xbox one, or play sonic on xbox one. It only works for classic systems though so you can play classic games on your xbox one. To those who think this is fake watch until the end of the video Hunter shows super mario bros on xbox one. This was discovered by so go thank him!Link for roms: emuparadise.meLink for xbox: Rating: / 5 Easy Tutorial Play Emulators On Your XBOX ONETo play emulators on your XBOX ONE you will need the following:1) Access to the internet via your computer2) Storage space on your ONEDRIVE account3) Roms of your choosing4) Internet access via your XBOX ONENOTICE: Please be aware that only the following rom extensions are currently supported and must be in their unzipped format to work correctly.smc (Super Nintendo).nes (Nintendo Entertainment System).gba (GameBoy Advance).gbc (GameBoy Color).gb (Original GameBoy).gen, .bin or .smd (Sega MegaDrive/Genesis)With your games downloaded create a folder called roms on your ONEDRIVE account (the one linked with your Xbox Account) and copy the extracted games to that folder.Next head over to your XBOX ONE, go to the Edge app, open the URL bar and type (It's worth bookmarking/favouriting this link for future use)Page loaded, use the left thumb stick to navigate the cursor to within the NESBOX emulator on screen and press A as instructed to start. Click add roms from ONEDRIVE! (If it's your first time you must grant NESBOX permission to access your ONEDRIVE account.)Then open rom from ONEDRIVE and navigate to your desired rom to play it.Controls:Left Bumper: SelectRight Bumper: StartA: AB: BX: XY: YLeft Trigger: LRight Trigger: RHolding the Left Bumper and the Right Bumper simultaneously within a game will bring you out to an alternative menu where you can either resume, save, reset that game or exit back to the main menu.ENJOY!, Xbox-Xbox One Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post GTA V PC Ultra Demo Gameplay - 1440p 60fps maxed out / 2 GTX980 SLI Next Post Reviews Done Quick - Zenith (PS4) post written by: Rafael Related PostsPS4 PRO DESTINY 2 BUNDLE SPECIAL EDITION GIVEAWAY !!!!! **** RULES FOR PS4 PRO DESTINY 2 GIVEAWAY ****1. Subscribe to My Channel : LEAVE A LIKE ON THE STREAM… Continue ReadingMad Games Tycoon | The MMO (Let's Play Mad Games Tycoon / Gameplay ep 14) Mad Games Tycoon gameplay in English! I did a Game Dev Tycoon playthrough years ago and got the Tycoon itch, so I thought I'd give Mad Games Tycoon a playth… Continue ReadingVanguard Online - Battlefield Android GamePlay Trailer [1080p] (By Mert Corekci) Vanguard Online - Battlefield Android GamePlay Trailer [1080p] (By Mert Corekci)►► SUBSCRIBE "ANDROIDGAMEPLAY4YOU" FOR MORE GAMES:… Continue Reading[Tutorial] Installing Windows 8, 8.1 on any Android Devices! (Not a remote or simulator) Yes, it really is possible. No, I don't like clickbait videos.You can actually run the Windows 8.1 on an Android phone!-Download LinksLimbo APK: http://bit… Continue ReadingXbox One Headset Review & Mic Test Youtube Booredgamer: BooredFemme: http;//… Continue Reading
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