PS4 vs XBOX ONE! Which is Better & What Should You Buy? | Let's Talk #4 leave a reply PS4 vs Xbox One Comparison! Which is better and what should you buy? In this video I compare the PS4 and the Xbox One. The consoles have been out for 2 years now, so I thought it was time to give my honest opinion. Which console do you prefer and why? Let me know in the comments, which topic you'd like me to cover in the next 'Let's Talk' video!Subscribe here for more videos ^_^ with me!Twitter: your own FallFromGrace Tshirts here: Gameplay recorded with the Elgato HD60 Pro.Check it out here: the code 'iamfallfromgrace' for 5% OFF your order with Controller Chaos!http://www.controllerchaos.comOutro Music by SDDx Microsoft Xbox One vs Sony PS4 - Full ComparisonThumbs up for more Xbox One vs PS4 Coverage!Sony Playstation 4: Xbox One: for more Xbox One and PS4 (Playstation 4) coverage: In this video, I compare the Xbox One vs PS4. The battle between the Xbox One vs Playstation 4 has become tough, but today we'll decide which is best for each consumer. The Xbox One is fantastic console with Kinect 2.0 and new controller. On the other hand, the Playstation 4 features the new DualShock 4 controller and fast graphics. From performance to design the Xbox One vs PS4 is a tough battle. The xbox one and playstation 4 are both competitive in terms of pricing and the ps4 and xbone both rock tons of accessories. Which console is best for you? Find out here in our Xbox 1 vs PS4 comparison! Instagram: Rating: / 5-, Let's, should, Talk, Xbox-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Tekken 7 Review! A Flawed Masterpiece? (PS4/Xbox One) Next Post Bickering Gamers -The Forbidden AO Rating post written by: Rafael Related PostsPS4 CHEATS & MODDED TROPHIES IN 2017! (PS4 Game Save Resigning) The PS4 Cheats System by Xploder is still in the beta form! Many errors are presented and the only solid game that works full proof is Final Fantasy, with o… Continue ReadingFiesta Online First Impressions (2017 Gameplay) Hello Friends!This last couple of days has brought back some fond memories of older games so I decided to check one of them out. Enjoy!Wanna play Fiesta Onl… Continue Reading★ Best Free Online Games MMO ★ Part 02 ★ ► (FREE-TO-PLAY)"Best Free Online Games MMO": This is a collection of BEST FREE ONLINE GAMES MMO genre, this video is the 2nd of … Continue ReadingTop 15 Best OFFLINE Games Android 2017 HD Part3 Top 15 OFFLINE Games Android 2017 HD Part31.DRIVELINE© Rally, Asphalt and Off-Road RacingRALLY, ASPHALT AND OFF-ROADThree most popular racing modes in … Continue ReadingPlayStation 4 vs Xbox One: ¿Cuál es la mejor? Nuestro veredicto [Vlog] ¿Qué me compro, la PS4 o la Xbox One? Con este vídeo intentamos sacarte de dudas. O, por lo menos, ayudarte a decidir. Like y fav si te ha gu… Continue Reading
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