QUANTUM BREAK - Início do Gameplay, Dublado e Legendado em Português! leave a reply Finalmente está liberada a postagem de vídeos desde o início do Ato 1 de QUANTUM BREAK!!! Neste vídeo mostro o início de gameplay do jogo, que está disponível para Xbox One e PC com dublagem e legendas em Português PT-BR.Onde baixar Quantum Break: download via Windows Store para PC ou download via Xbox Live Marketplace no Xbox One. Também disponível em mídia física.Curiosidade sobre Quantum Break: o ator Aidan Gillen, que representa o Lord Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) em Game of Thrones, faz o papel de Paul Serene (vilão), e o ator Shawn Ashmore faz o papel de Jack Joyce.Canal de livestreams: http://www.azubu.tv/brkseduSnapchat: brkseduTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/BRKsEDUInstagram: http://instagram.com/BRKsEDUFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/BRKsEDURedes da Sapeca:- Snapchat: pequenasapeca- Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/pequenasapeca- Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BRKsSapecaE confira meu canal de vlogs: http://www.youtube.com/PequenoSapecaContato comercial: comercial @ brksedu . com . brPlaca de captura do gameplay: Elgato HD60 ProCâmera da facecam: Panasonic GH3 com lente Leica 25mm f1.4Microfone: Electrovoice RE20 com interface RME BabyfaceCanal BRKsEDU - QUANTUM BREAK - Início do Gameplay, Dublado e Legendado em Português!Video Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/quantum-break-inicio-do-gameplay-dublado-e-legendado-em-portugues/-BREAK, Dublado, Gameplay, Início, Legendado, Português, QUANTUM-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post World's Fastest PS4 & Xbox One? Next Post MMO Grinder: Swordsman review post written by: Rafael Related Posts7 Days to Die Xbox One Gameplay Part 1 - "QUEST TIME & CONSOLE RELEASE!" ☆ Buy Games for Cheap!: https://www.g2a.com/r/starsnipeWelcome to 7 Days to Die Xbox One Edition, the voxel-based survival game that encompasses zombi… Continue ReadingBloodborne: The First 18 Minutes - IGN First Check out the first 18 virtually-uninterrupted minutes of From Software's upcoming PS4 game.Video Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/bloodborne-the-first-18… Continue ReadingTop 10 BEST AMAZING MMO GAMES 2017 HD The top 10 (upcoming) MMO Games of 2017.The games with time stamps:00:03 Lost Ark01:21 Lineage Eternal03:09 Imagine- Star Citizen04:26 Dual Universe06:07 Ci… Continue ReadingPlay PS4 on Mac or PC! Ever wanted to play your PS4 on your Mac or PC? Well with firmware 3.50 the Playstation 4 can now do it. Sony changed the game with this new update and I'm … Continue ReadingMODDING ON XBOX ONE!! VANTAGE XBOX ONE MODDING TOOL RELEASED! + DOWNLOAD UPDATE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/grRb9Ummr6MVantage Tool: http://adf.ly/1mwerfDiscord: https://goo.gl/OxCFvrGo Support Team Vantage: https://goo.gl/4AzJb7----… Continue Reading
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