HORI FPS Plus REVIEW | GameGazm TV leave a reply The HORI FPS plus pad is a 3rd party controller designed for the PS4, i got my hands on one to see if it fixed my problems. i've been having breaking issues with the Dual Shock 4's triggers, so my search for a robust solution turned up with this!FAQQ: Does it have a headphone socket?A: No it doesn't, but if you use a USB headset with your PS4 you've got no problemQ: is the back trigger button re programmableA: Yes it isQ: Does it have Vibration? A: No it doesn'tQ: Do Kontrol Freaks fit?A: Yes they doQ: Does it have a light bar? A: No it doesn'tQ: My wireless controller doesn't work, will this fix that problem? A: The Ps4 requires the blue tooth antenna to work, even if the controller is wired ( i know... weird) but replacing the antenna (if it is damaged) would be your best bet. you can get these pretty easily on ebay for under £10/ etc. Q: Is the Dpad suitable for fighting games? A: not really... its more for the quick selection of weapons and items in FPS games... It will work for fighting... but i would say buying HORI's specifically designed fight pad would be better. GameGazmTV are: Brendan Toy: Editor/ presenterJason Weyham: Editor/ presenterIsabel Warman: PresenterGraphics and animations PLANETSIDE DIGITAL www.facebook.com/planetsidedigitalVideo Rating: / 5 Purchase Hori Pro FPS Plus Here:http://goo.gl/jYSgH8What's up YouTube family,In this video I show off my new Hori Pro FPS Plus Controller. This thing is a BEAST! I really like everything about this controller (except the L1 & R1 buttons). This controller is also much cheaper than a standard PS4 controller. I have not been this happy with a third party product in a very long time. If you are in the market for an excellent controller, check this one out...See you soon!-http://gameprostar.com/hori-fps-plus-review-gamegazm-tv/-GameGazm, HORI, Plus, Review-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Xbox Game Pass First Look - 14 Day Trial Starts Today #GamePass Next Post Top 10 Best Most REALISTIC PC Combat Jet/Warplane Fighter Simulators 2015 post written by: Rafael Related PostsHow to Watch TV on the Xbox One (OneGuide Setup on the XB1) Thanks for watching and subscribe for more! :)Check out my let's plays: http://www.youtube.com/TmarTn2Expand the description for more ▼Improve your ai… Continue ReadingTop 10 Best Multiplayer Browser Games 2015 A list of the top free multiplayer browser games for 2015. These ten titles are the best of the best that you can find and play online with no download requ… Continue ReadingGames like pokemon - Top 10 pokemon like games for pc, android, ios... Please watch: "Dark Souls Guiding Principles - How Dark Souls talks to players" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zai8MwNvtaY-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Here is a list of … Continue ReadingBLACK OPS 3 - FIRST TIME PLAYING ON PS4! Black Ops 3 PS4 Multiplayer Gameplay - Please RATE!Twitter http://mikey.black/tweet - Facebook http://mikey.black/fb - Twitch https://Twitch.tv/ItsMikeyGam… Continue ReadingStar Wars: The Old Republic Walkthrough Part 1 Jedi - Let's Play Gameplay (1080p 60fps) Part 1 "JEDI CHARACTER CREATION"Star Wars: The Old Republic Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 includes a Review and Campaign Mission 1 of the Single Player for PC… Continue Reading
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