How to Connect a Xbox One S Controller to your Console for Beginners

Hi, this video shows you the various ways to connect up your Xbox One S controller and standard Xbox One controllers to your Xbox One S Console. It shows a wireless connection and wired connection using a USB to Micro USB cable and also a way of using your mobile phone charger without batteries.
The Wireless way is as follows:
1. Turn on your Xbox One S console.
2. Insert 2 new AA batteries into the controller.
3. Turn on your controller by pressing and holding the Xbox button until the controller turns on. The Xbox button will pulse, indicating it’s not yet connected to the console. If the Xbox button is lit solid, then the controller is already connected.
4. Press and release the connect button on the Xbox One S console.
5. Within 20 seconds, press and hold the connect button on the controller until the controller’s Xbox button quickly flashes a few times, indicating that it’s searching for the console. It then switches to a solid light when it's connected.
Your controller is now connected to your console. Repeat this procedure for every extra controller that you want to add. You can add 8 controllers to the Xbox One S console.
Many thanks Vince
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-, Connect, Console, controller, Xbox-Xbox One

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