NO ADAPTERS NEEDED! I show you how to use the dualshock 4 controller wired and wirelessly on ps4! As long as you have a ps4 charger cable, it's very easy to do! How to Use PS3 Controller on PS4: -------------------------------------------------------------- ► FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! Rating: / 5
UPDATE: New video on how to connect the PS4 controller wirelessly to PS3! Click this link to go to the video: In this video I show how to connect and use a PS4 controller on a PS3 system. Be sure to subscribe and like the video. **Here are the games that iv tested that DO work: GTA 5 Black Ops 2 MW2 The Sims 3 The Sims 3 Pets Bioshock infinite Call of Duty: Ghosts Black Ops MW1 MW3 Arkham Origins DARK SOULS 2 **Here are the games that DON'T work: Tumble Eye Create GTA 4 I will update this list of games when I have tested more. Follow me on twitch @playerblaze600 Follow me on Twitter @playerblaze600 Follow me on Instagram @playerblaze600Video Rating: / 5
-, EASY, Method, WIRED, Wireless-Ps4
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