"IS THIS GOOD?" - Destiny Multiplayer Gameplay - w/ Ali-A #1

DESTINY Multiplayer Gameplay #1 - What do you think? :)
● Ali-A Tries Something NEW - http://youtu.be/T0wG1jTF_lY
● COD: MW2 w/ Ali-A! - http://youtu.be/Edvm2FdpgrU

Destiny is a first-person shooter developed by Bungie, the creators of the Halo series. Destiny will be released on 9 September 2014.

Destiny is a shared-world shooter, the first of its kind. It's an action-adventure game where you are both the main character and the creator of the story. As a Guardian, you will traverse the planets and stars, fighting for our survival and to keep hope alive. That doesn't mean you have to do it alone. If you wish to, you can play Destiny completely alone, or you can go in with a fire-team of you and up to two others. Players can seamlessly be matched into your game to help you fight and explore. Public events will also be available to participate in at your leisure. The game includes multiplayer modes like, Skirmish, Rumble, Salvage, Clash, Combined Arms, Control, and Iron Banner.

► Ali-A Xbox Picture Pack!
• http://bit.ly/1l3uBZB

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► The equipment I use!
• Cheapest games - https://www.g2a.com/r/AliA
• The headset I use - http://tinyurl.com/cr43q6h
• How I record my gameplay - http://e.lga.to/a
• Improve your aim (10% off) - http://bit.ly/1hvTpE4
• My controller - Use "ALIA" for discount:

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- Ali-A

Video uploaded by Ali-A ( Matroix / Ali A )

-http://gameprostar.com/is-this-good-destiny-multiplayer-gameplay-w-ali-a-1/-AliA, Destiny, Gameplay, GOOD, Multiplayer, THIS-Gameplay

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