MMO Economies - Hyperinflation, Reserve Currencies & You! - Extra Credits leave a reply When players can generate their own money in infinite supply by killing monsters for in-game gold, MMO economies quickly get overrun by inflation. In the past we've talked about how designers can create gold sinks to solve this problem. Today we'll talk about other ways game designers approach it: by adapting the same tools used by economists in the real world.Subscribe for new episodes every Wednesday! (---More below)_________Get your Extra Credits gear at the store! games with us on Extra Play! more episodes from this season of Extra Credits! to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): us on Facebook: our list of recommended games on Steam: you like James to speak at your school or organization? For info, contact us at: soraya[at]extra-credits[dot]net___________♪ Get the intro music here!♪ Outro Music: “March of Robbers in Treno City” by Bluelighter Rating: / 5 Subscribe for new episodes every Wednesday! quest reward or sellable item in an MMO generates more gold that goes into the economy, causing inflation as the gold becomes more common and less valuable. There are several ways that MMOs can drain that money out of the economy by creating "gold sinks."___________Many thanks to Nick for the guest art! Check out his other work! for you!Extra Credits - Why Is It So Hard to Make an MMORTS? The MMORTS: History - World War I: The Seminal TragedyChapter 2: One Fateful Day in June: the intro music here! the outro music here! Rating: / 5-, Currencies, Economies, Extra, Hyperinflation, Reserve-Mmo Games Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post PlayStation 4 Pro Review Next Post UNCHARTED 4: A Thief’s End - E3 2015 Press Conference Demo | PS4 post written by: Rafael Related PostsCall of Duty Black Ops 3 Graphics Comparison: Xbox One Vs. Xbox 360 Just how much is different in Black Ops 3 between last-gen and current-gen consoles? A lot.Video Rating: / 5-… Continue ReadingLAST YEAR Gameplay Trailer (Survival Horror Game) LAST YEAR Gameplay Trailer (Survival Horror Game)About Last Year:In Last Year you’ll experience the nightmare together as you and 5 friends struggle t… Continue ReadingHow To Hack Any Game On Android (NO ROOT) Easy Way To Get Unlimited Coins & More From Any Game Lucky Patcher: out to Dizza : you guys for a… Continue ReadingPC GFX Explained! Antialiasing, Vsync, Tessellation and More! - Reality Check Cam dives head first into the confusing waters of PC graphics settings on Reality Check. What exactly do they mean, and how do they result in sexy graphics… Continue ReadingANTHEM - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 Demo E3 2017 (Xbox One/PS4/PC) Anthem Gameplay Reveal, Bioware NEW IP Walkthrough form E3 2017 by the developers, showcasing the Open world Sci-Fi Game, comingSubscribe for more!Patreon: … Continue Reading
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