Tekken 6 - online matches 26 - King Gameplay

Time to create hype for Tekken Tag Tournament 2! Here are some live online matches I recorded. Yeah I decided to record live this time because since the game wont let me save player matches and showing ranked matches didn't go well I'll just record them live. Lets get started then. Im King in every fight.

I wont go over bored on custom music next time cause I had a hard time choosing the songs, lol.

Characters I fight here: Miguel, Paul, Zafina, Heihachi, and Raven.


(music used)
Tekken 5 - Pirates Cove
Persona 3 - Unavoidable Battle
Bayonetta - Battle for the Umbra throne
Tales of Xillia - Melee Dance!
Digital Devil Saga - Hunting

-http://gameprostar.com/tekken-6-online-matches-26-king-gameplay/-Gameplay, King, matches, Online, Tekken-Gameplay

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