Top 10 Android OPEN WORLD Games | 2016 leave a reply The top 10 android open world games until 2016, including new android game releases and all time list of all the open world games on android. We have picked up all the open wold games of android , rated them and sorted them out. We also have made quick live review on each game. Hey guys we are back with a new top 10 on android games of 2016. We have included the best 10 games for openworld gamers plus one upcoming game.Here are the games on the list[10] Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath[9] EXILES[8] The Dark Knight Rises[7] The Amazing Spider-Man 2[6] Gangstar Vegas[5] GTA: Liberty City Stories[4] Goat Simulator[3] Grand Theft Auto III[2] Minecraft: Pocket Edition[1] Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Mention: Assasin Creed identity , not yet out for android, but , it will come up soon. Here is the link for ios. you enjoyed the video, leave a like , live your feedbacks below and smash that shiny red subscribe button right now if you dont wanna miss out any upcoming videos.Cya at our next video!Special thanks to NCS for the musicK-391 - Dream Of Something Sweet ft. Cory Friesenhan [NCS Release]Note: We do not own any of the trailers, gameplay, music, logo, or songs used in the video, they are the copyrighted contents of respective owners.-, Android, Games, Open, World-Android Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post LIFE is FEUDAL - First 5 Hours ( New 2017 Medieval MMO RPG) Next Post 10 Things You Didn't Know Your Xbox One Could Do post written by: Rafael Related PostsDays Gone - E3 2016 Announce Trailer | PS4 Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic. Play as Deacon St. John, a Drifter… Continue ReadingDAYS OF WAR - Gameplay Trailer - World War 2 Game 2017 (PS4/XB1/PC) (FULL HD) Days of War - New Gameplay - Preview 2 (PRE-ALPHA) (FULL HD)SUBSCRIBE NOW: US:… Continue ReadingBest MMO Grinding Music #2 [Dubstep|Electro] BEST MMO GRINDING SONGS # Dubstep & Electro *******my fav mmorpgs:-DK Online-Dragon's Prophet-Tera-Last Chaos-… Continue ReadingFIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S SISTER LOCATION!!! FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S SISTER LOCATION!!!► Subscribe and join TeamTDM! ::► PREORDER MY NEW BOOK HERE ::… Continue ReadingMY XBOX ONE S HAD RING OF DEATH?!? XBOX ONE S RING OF DEATH!!!! HERE IS A GREAT TUTORIAL HOW TO FIX IT! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE 4k CONTENT!!! Intro song: Xbox Off Bleep soundOutro song: Shake came… Continue Reading
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