Top 38 Best Open World Games For Android & iOS

Best Open World Games For Android And iOS to Play in 2016

This is the my biggest list of all this time top 38 best of all open world games on Android and iOS Hope you enjoy it.

Note- Some Games may Not Available For ios
Games are not Rankwise
Following are the names of games I mentioned in the list:-

Sorry cant write every link please search it

1)RPG Toram online
2)Crash drive 2 car simulator
3)Earth and legends
5)Carnivores dinosaur Hunter
6)Bad Nerd
7)GTA: Chinatown wars
8)Galaxy on fire 2
10)Six-guns: gang showdown
11)Assassins Creed pirates
13)Island light 2
14)The Shadow sun
15)RPG IZANAGI online mmorpg- sorry got mistake here I mentioned experiment z that is already in list this place is for izanagi definately check footage its a great game.
16)Baldur's gate ll
17)The Dark Knight Rises
18)Aralon sword and shadow 3D
19)Ravensword Shadowlands
20)Aralon forge and flame 3D
21)The Amazing Spiderman 2
22)Beast Quest
23)Minecraft: Pocket Edition
24)Exiles Zero
25)Angel Sword 3D
26)Oddworld: Strangers wrath
27)Graalonline Era
28)The Survivor Rusty Forest
29)Gangstar Vegas
30)GTA: Liberty City Stories
31)Goat Simulator Goats
33)Legion of Heroes
34)3D MMO Celtic Heroes
35)Order and Chaos 2: Redemption
36)Experiment Z
37)The Abandoned
38)Block City Wars
39)Payback 2

Oops got one extra :P actually I was little hurry to post it because it already took so much time and problems were coming in between but I finally post it and found little mistake.

Ingame songs:-
1)Tobu- Damn Son-
2)culture code- Electricity(Feat Michael Zonga)-
3)Itro & Kontinnum- Alive-
4)MindlessFate- Shimmer-

Intro music-Halvorsen- she got me like-

Outro music- janji- together(feat vivien)-
Video Rating: / 5

-, Best, Games, Open, World-Ios Games

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