5 Indie Games You Might Love on Xbox One in 2016 - Videoball, Lumo, Mayan Death Robots

There were masses of intriguing indie games at EGX 2015 alongside the triple-A flash. Consider these five indie games coming to Xbox One in 2016 we'll be watching closely and subscribe for more from Outside Xbox: http://www.tinyurl.com/SubToOxbox

Videoball, Lumo and Mayan Death Robots are among our indie picks for next year on Xbox One. Which upcoming indie games do you have your eye on? Leave it in the comments!


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-http://gameprostar.com/5-indie-games-you-might-love-on-xbox-one-in-2016-videoball-lumo-mayan-death-robots/-2016, Death, Games, INDIE, Love, Lumo, Mayan, Might, Robots, Videoball, Xbox-Xbox One

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