7 Days To Die Alpha 12 - How to Fly Without Cheats - Part 1

In this series I'll join some of the best 7DTD players in the Broken Ankle server. It's an honor for me to be invited and i hope to not disappoint them.
For now, Alpha 12 is still full of bugs, I don't know if the server will have to be restarted cause of some new fix updates, but I'll try and test anyway.
As always, a new start is slow and boring, but there's so many cool stuff and things, and I'm really excited about playing multiplayer, which is something new to me.
Let's see if we can build something awesome together!

Also, if you want to watch some 7DTD and others games with comments, check out the other guys channels:

Aendams: https://goo.gl/pdK7dJ
Games4Kickz: https://goo.gl/9B4XNO
JoethePirate: https://goo.gl/gR2iZ7
MidnightDesigner: https://goo.gl/TPIUNd
RongoTheBold: https://goo.gl/eaPI4W
sl1pg8r: https://goo.gl/K8BqxL
Xeo kills Zeds: https://goo.gl/u6SqcR

Music source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
Video Rating: / 5

A brief look at Creative mode. -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/jgwentworth69

-http://gameprostar.com/7-days-to-die-alpha-12-how-to-fly-without-cheats-part-1/-Alpha, Cheats, Days, Part, without-Xbox One

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