7 Watts Xbox One S MODDED Controller RAPIDFIRE & Auto Aim DEMO

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Demo of 7 Watts Rapid Fire Mod in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Video Rating: / 5

Modded Controller Options, Walmart?
Modded Controller Options, Walmart?

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Hey guys this is SpockJoe. Today I am going to be showing you my latest Xbox One and PS4 controller mod accessories.

I recently went to my local GameStop look for controller mod accessories, but unfortunately I didn't find anything I was looking for like the Strikepack Dominator. I looked at 2 different stores but alas I didn't find what I was looking for.

I then went to my local Walmart and to my surprise I found a Strikepack Dominator, but also I found kontrol freaks. Well not exactly Kontrol freaks but Kontrol freek knock offs.

Is Walmart becoming a better supplier for gaming accessories than GameStop?

If you have any thoughts or comment please leave them in the comment section below. GG
Video Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/7-watts-xbox-one-s-modded-controller-rapidfire-auto-aim-demo/-Auto, controller, Demo, Modded, RAPIDFIRE, Watts, Xbox-Xbox One

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