8.4 TFlops. The truth behind AMD's Rapid Packed Math and the PS4 Pro leave a reply With all the misinformation floating around and the hype train making its rounds on YouTube and gaming websites. I felt it was time to state some facts about FP16 Rapid Packed Math used by the AMD Vega graphics cards and the PS4 Pro. While performance can be had by changing some parts of games from 32bit instruction to 16bit instruction, performance gains won't meet the "Theoretical" 8.4 TFlops Mark Cerny talked about at the launch of the PS4 Pro. With limited exposure through PS4 Pro only and the AMD Vega 56 and 64, will many developers want to use a feature that will be taken advantage of by the minority. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will hit that subscribe button so you can be alerted when new content comes out. Articles: https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/AMD/Vega_Microarchitecture_Technical_Overview/3.htmlhttp://wccftech.com/rapid-packed-math-ps4-pro-gap-xb1x/http://gamingbolt.com/mass-effect-andromeda-ps4-pro-dev-explains-benefits-of-checkerboard-rendering-30-improvement-due-to-fp16http://www.tweaktown.com/news/57039/project-scorpio-optimized-directx-12-games/index.htmlVideos: Digital Foundry PS4/PC Mass Effect Andromeda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlj2Y5_JjPo&t=28sAMD Capsaicin and Creamhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDl6xJJqIAUVideo Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/8-4-tflops-the-truth-behind-amds-rapid-packed-math-and-the-ps4-pro/-'Rapid, AMD's, Behind, Math', Packed, Tflops, TRUTH-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Xbox One X vs PS4 Pro: Which One Should You Buy? Next Post The Top 5 Free MMOS of 2012 [HD] post written by: Rafael Related PostsTurtle Beach Xbox One Elite 800X Surround Sound Wireless Gaming Headset Headphones Check out our awesome CES Sponsors:CellCashier: http://goo.gl/lkpldoRadtech: http://goo.gl/K4Nk6MBodyGuardz: http://goo.gl/6qgqHcCyber Acoustics: http://goo… Continue ReadingPS4 Remote Play Problem & Wireless Controller Resolving the "Cannot login to PS4" error that some of you may have experienced when trying to connect your PS Vita to your PS4!Video Rating: / 5-h… Continue ReadingWorld of Warcraft How to upgrade Heirloom — 60-90, 90-100 — MMO, MMORPG and online games I'll show how to upgrade your heirloom :)World of Warcraft — classic MMORPG with arenas, battlegrounds, dungeons, raids and a lot of fun :)My web-sit… Continue ReadingDestiny Online Gameplay Gameplay KoolleeHigh301's Live PS4 Broadcast Destiny Online GameplayVideo Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/destiny-online-gameplay-gameplay-koolleehigh301s-live-ps4-broadcast/-Broadcast, Destiny, Ga… Continue ReadingFun Drinking Apps In the age of technology Drinking even has an App. Listing the fun games that can be played with your friends while out having a good time.See more at www.… Continue Reading
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