Anthem Official Gameplay Reveal

In Anthem™, a new shared-world action-RPG from EA's BioWare studio, team up with friends as Freelancers—the bold few with the courage to leave civilization behind and explore a landscape of primeval beauty.

Wield an arsenal of Javelin exosuits, each equipped with unique weapons and abilities. Band together with friends, confront the dangers you find, and grow in power with every step.

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The Anthem gameplay unveiled at E3 2017 reveals a "shared-world action RPG" from RPG specialist studio Bioware, with a touch of Destiny about it. You and up to three friends are "Freelancers", exosuited adventurers jetpacking around an open world of lush landscapes rendered by the Frostbite engine. Straight out of the Xbox E3 conference where the Anthem gameplay debuted, we talk about the elements that stuck with us most. Subscribe for more from Outside Xbox at E3 2017:

Anthem comes out on a release date yet to be confirmed in "Fall 2018", on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.


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-, Gameplay, Official, Reveal-Xbox One

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