Defiance MMORPG First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"

Defiance Is a Free To Play MMORPG initially released in 2013 and Published by Trion, this game is based on the Sci Fi TV show "Defiance" and seems to be quite a story driven game, The game play is that of a Third person Action Combat shooter where you have to manually aim and dodge enemy attacks, This game is also completely open world and you're given a quad bike to explore with, despite all this the MMO does have it's fair share of problems which I talk about at the end of the video

I played Defiance for about 4 hours and condense my thoughts and feelings into this 21 minute video with a summary at the end.
Is Defiance a game worth playing? Leave A Comment Below!


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In this video I try out a Free To Play MMORPG Called Defiance that's currently available to download on Steam This game is a Sci Fi MMORPG with action combat, public events, team deathmatch PVP and a massive open world, I had pretty low expectations for this game going into it but it wasn't as bad as I thought and I got some enjoyment out of it at times, that being said I always seem to get bored of shooter MMOs really quickly, personally I don't think they ever work too well due to the repetitive nature of just shooting stuff.
Could Defiance on PC be a good alternative MMORPG to games such as The Division, The Secret World or Destiny? leave your thoughts on this game in the comments below.

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Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Defiance MMORPG First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
Video Rating: / 5

-, First, Impressions, MMORPG, Playing, Worth-Mmo Games

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