Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn PC First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"

Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn is an MMORPG that's recently released It's first expansion, there's been a lot of hype around this game and many people are playing it as an alternative to World of Warcraft, FF14 ARR has a subscription based business model and some innovative features that seem to be moving the MMO genre forward, I condense 11 hours worth of gameplay down into 18 minutes to help you decide if It's worth playing as a potential alternative to World of Warcraft.


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In this video I take at an MMORPG called Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn on PC that recently released It's first expansion Heavensward Final Fantasy ARR is a subscription based MMO with a similar business model to World Of Warcraft, here I give you guys my first impressions to help you decide if it's a game worth picking up. I played the game for around 11 hours and condensed my thoughts and experienced into about 18 minutes, Could Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn: Heavensward be a good alternative to World Of Warcraft? Watch the video until the end and make up your own mind.

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Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn PC First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"

-, Final, First, Impressions, Playing, Realm, Reborn, Worth-Gameplay

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