FLAPPY BIRD - DONT PLAY THIS GAME! leave a reply Flappy bird starts @ 4:03 Changed the name on this because everyone kept asking me to play Flappy Bird even though I have already played it. :PClick Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JoinBroArmyWebsite ► http://bit.ly/PewDiePieNetThe best way in my opinion to record off an ipad is to get an elgato capture device.Also an hdmi extension to your ipad / iphone (works best on new devices). You could also record using reflector which lets you stream via airplay to your computer.Then record of your screen with bandicam. This doesnt require any hardware but it can be laggy and overall much worse quality.Download My App!Apple ► http://bit.ly/AppleBroAndroid ► http://bit.ly/AndroidBroCheck Out My Shop! ► http://bit.ly/ShopBroGet Awesome Games! ► http://www.g2a.com/PewDiePieGet My Headphones! ► http://rzr.to/QhxzUTwitter ► https://twitter.com/pewdiepieFacebook ► http://facebook.com/pewdiepie-------------------------------------------Please:Respect each other in the comments. Thanks for all your support bros, rating the video and leaving a commentis always appreciated! ..............................__............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...').........\.................'...../..........''...\.......... _.·´............\..............(BROFIST ...........-http://gameprostar.com/flappy-bird-dont-play-this-game/-Bird, Don't, Flappy, Game, Play, THIS-Mmo Games Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post XCOM 2: PS4-Gameplay - Der Kampf gegen die Aliens beginnt! | 1 Stunde mit Next Post PlayStation vs Xbox Rap Battle post written by: Rafael Related PostsBest Free VR Games iOS Android Gameplay of InCell VR and InMind VR, they are both pretty cool.Amazon affiliate link to get VR glass cheaply. http://amzn.to/2dcBs3khttps://twitter.com/Mobi… Continue ReadingHow to get iOS 8 on iPad 1 [1st generation] - Tutorial GET iOS 9 on iPAD 1 : https://youtu.be/4C-BL1rPZJoSorry for the bad quality of the video. Anyway this video is on how to install iOS on iPad 1 (the first iP… Continue ReadingPS4 Pro will LOSE every time in Digital Foundry Comparisons Native 4K Digital Foundry will be comparing games on PS4 Pro vs. Xbox One X this fall and the results will ALWAYS be in favor of the more powerful Xbox One X.Dealer a… Continue ReadingARK - FULL LAUNCH IS HERE = 26GB! - RAGNAROK FOR CONSOLE - NEW SERVERS AND MORE! If you guys enjoyed this video! Make sure to hit that like button for more! Also don't forget to subscribe!:DI try to keep you guys updated with ARK SURVIV… Continue ReadingTop 10 MMORPG Games Android 2017 HD High Graphics Top 10 MMORPG Games Android 2017 HD High GraphhicsHigh Guys here are some best MMRPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) Games With Console Qual… Continue Reading
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