Flappy bird starts @ 4:03

Changed the name on this because everyone kept asking me to play Flappy Bird even though I have already played it. :P
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The best way in my opinion to record off an ipad is to get an elgato capture device.
Also an hdmi extension to your ipad / iphone (works best on new devices).

You could also record using reflector which lets you stream via airplay to your computer.
Then record of your screen with bandicam. This doesnt require any hardware but it can be laggy and overall much worse quality.

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Respect each other in the comments.

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is always appreciated!
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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BROFIST ...........

-http://gameprostar.com/flappy-bird-dont-play-this-game/-Bird, Don't, Flappy, Game, Play, THIS-Mmo Games

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