Hacking - Teleport/Bot, a threat to FF14 and any MMO Economy.

Hacking - Teleport/Bot, a threat to FF14 and any MMO Economy.
A bot named Gaibi Mao found running a bot script or program of some kind while teleporting around. This kind of thing needs to get stopped before the economy gets trashed.

I can only hope that they can dedicate some staff to just watch around. The cities are full of spammers selling gold that flood your chat screen. It would only take someone to just go from city to city and server to server banning 20-30 people an hour at least.
Video Rating: / 5
-http://gameprostar.com/hacking-teleportbot-a-threat-to-ff14-and-any-mmo-economy/-Economy., FF14, Hacking, Teleport/Bot, threat-Mmo Games

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