How to fix PS4 errors codes - USB update / upgrade hard drive

How to fix PS4 errors with USB drive, PS4 USB update & upgrade hard drive fixes many error messages codes like SU-35931-1, SU-30683-0, CE-32889-0, no signal, CE-32928-4, CE-33179-3, CE-33991-5, CE-34788-0, E-82F001F8, E-82000113, E-82F001F7, NW-31484-0, NW-31367-0, NW-31453-6, (NW-31172-4) NW-31194-8, SU-30696-4, SU-30645-8, SU-30733-6, WV-33907-2, and more,
"PS4 update" link-,
Sony tech support, 1-800-345-7669,
PS4 message codes meaning revealed here,
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CE-34788-0 This update file cannot be used.
This video, and forgive the quality, is for those who have tried to upgrade their PS4 hard drive, only to find their system "bricked". The directions that come with the upgrade kits have a common problem in that they tell you to download the UPDATE file, and not the INSTALLATION file, and Sony doesn't help much by calling both files UPDATE. The update file, as of 2.50 is around 230 MB, whereas the Installation file is around 750 MB. If you get this error code then try redownloading the installation file and use that. Any questions or concerns just post in the comments section and I will walk you guys through how to fix your problems. Remember, the more specific you are, the easier the tech's job is. When you aren't very specific about what your symptoms are and what you've done, then a lot of time gets wasted.
The update file on your USB device cannot be used. To install an update file from USB, please make sure that you're using the correct update type:

For a standard update you'll need the latest version of the System Software which can be downloaded from this page. If you've tried using this file already, or if you've installed a new Hard Disk Drive or initialized your system, you'll need to carry out a new installation of the System Software. You'll find instructions on how to install this, as well as the download file here.

-, Drive, Errors, Hard, Update, Upgrade-Ps4

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