How to Install TERA Online (a free to play MMORPG) and First Steps leave a reply TERA is now on Steam, so you can install it from there too. I made this video to show you how to normally install the game without third party software trouble-free. See my Launcher Issues guide if you run into any trouble. This is not a gameplay kind of video. You'll discover what TERA is like on your own later on. Feel free to watch some of my dungeon or battleground videos as well.I've been playing TERA since free-to-play release (in Feb 2013) if this is any indication of whether the game is still worth playing today.- How to install TERA EU (with and without Gameforge Live);=============Edit (23rd March 2017): They have finally removed GF Live from the official installation link (without telling us, as usual). This is the link to the 'new' installer: (click Download, as the direct URL keeps changing).=============First, whatever is GF Live anyway? It's a piece of software which combines all titles being published by Gameforge. It's practically useless, so you can remove it as soon as you're done installing the launcher files, or don't bother with it in the first place;Official website: – create an account here and download the official installer;TERA launcher files from 7th June 2017:!eAoVGI4b!Uel27wpPdeBR6Xyv2QSSVTmbwQrD3hft6xfZ8wyPW4Q – TERA launcher files (all launcher files in a separate archive; can be used for older download repairs, as well as when switching from Steam to normal launcher).- Common launcher issuesSee my launcher errors video (with a section for Steam players) – Where to play:TERA EU has 4 servers – Killian is formally 'PvP' (person versus person), Mystel is formally 'PvE' (person versus environment), Seren is 'French' and Yurian is 'German';- BuddyUp – check this link for reference: How to make gold (you can search for a gold making guide but things keep changing, so consider your sources):For one thing, you can do solo activities to get untradable materials to enchant your gear, so you can sell your tradable mats and items to make gold (including mwa, mes, etchings, certain gear crafting items you don't need) etc.- Buy a CD key – from g2a, abcdkey, mmoga or wherever you normally shop, see for reference.- Gear: Everything, including best-in-slot items can be free; get a +12 entry level set (currently (June 2017) that's Guile) and start gathering mats to either get the mid tier to +12 later on or skip it if you can (it will be hard to get into random parties with lower tier gear + lack of experience), or for the best-in-slot set (currently Deathwrack); don't bother with mid gear (currently Misery) unless you're confident you can afford to masterwork and enchant it which a totally new player can't do right away.- PvP:Open-world GvG is available again, the so called Guild Wars take place every Sunday early evening for up to 2 hours in the Civil Unrest area (an optimised copy of Velika Outskirts);There are a few battlegrounds in TERA, including Champions' Skyring (aka Arena) – a 3v3 battleground where individual skill often matters the most, Fraywind Canyon and Gridiron – both 15 vs 15, Corsairs' Stronghold – 20 vs 20. See here for power hour times: PvE:You could get to max level (L65) in 3 days as a new player. - Guilds:Joining a guild has mostly positive sides – more people to socialise with, more people to form parties with, more people to seek advice and help from, as well as friendly people to offer support to;-Misc:Reset times - Questions time and final thoughts:No room to write more and this isn't an advanced guide or anything. Rather a welcome to TERA sort of greeting. So feel free to ask a question or leave a comment/suggestion below;If you're experiencing some technical issues, feel free to ask here and I'll do my best to address your comment unless someone else does it sooner. Alternatively, send me a message on the forum or open a support thread there. TeamViewer comes really handy;I play mostly on Mystel (the PvE server). Sunflare(s), Sunflair, Sunflarin(e) and a couple others. Maybe I'll see you in-game. Welcome to TERA!To support my channel with a donation, please click here: you!Video Rating: / 5 VNG MMORPG Web Browser Game Install-, Free, install, MMORPG, Online, Play, Steps, TERA-Mmo Games Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post NBA 2K17 (PS4) Cavs vs Bulls Gameplay Next Post 8-Bit Farm iOS / Android Gameplay Kairosoft post written by: Rafael Related Posts7 DAYS TO DIE - Where Are XB1/PS4 Console Updates - Game News GAME NEWS my thoughts on why there hasnt been any significant 7 days to die content added to xbox one or ps4 even though pc has loads of new stuff CHECK MY … Continue Reading10 Best Android & iOS Games with NO- In App Purchases! 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