How to take apart your Xbox One controller to change your faceplate, thumbsticks, and d-pad leave a reply In this video I will show you how to take apart your Xbox One controller, so you can change your faceplate, backplate, thumbsticks, and d-pad. It is a little bit harder to take apart, compared to the other controllers of the past. This way you can customize the controller to your liking. Just like I customized the d-pad on the controller in the video. You will need a T8 screwdriver. I hope you enjoy the video! Thank you! Please like, comment, and subscribe!Where to buy:► Subscribe, and then hit that notification bell for more:► Support Me On Patreon:► Rai FX's Other YouTube Channels -F-Bomb Squad:► Rai FX Live: Links - ► YouTube: Just Subscribe to this channel and hit the notification bell.► Twitch:► Smashcast:► Mixer: Links - ► Facebook:► Twitter:► Instagram: Rating: / 5-, Change, controller, dpad, faceplate, Take, Thumbsticks, Xbox-Xbox One Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Games( Next Post PS4 Blinking Blue Light explained and fixed! post written by: Rafael Related Posts7 DAYS TO DIE ALPHA 16 UPDATE!! - BIGGEST UPDATE YET! - 7 Days to Die Alpha 16 Gameplay Part 1 7 Days to Die ALPHA 16 IS HERE, and IT'S THE BIGGEST UPDATE YET! I'm so excited to hop in and BEGIN OUR ADVENTURE! 7 Days to Die, the voxel-based survival g… Continue ReadingSEASON 1 Ark Xbox One Let's Play Adventures!-, Let's, Play, Season, Xbox-Xbox One… Continue ReadingTop 25 Best Offline iPad Pro & Android Tablet Games Upto (2016!) The combination of powerful specs and large, high-resolution touch screens make tablets great for gaming. As a result, there's a variety of excellent titles… Continue Reading5 Ways The Crew is an MMORPG for Car Lovers - Xbox One Gameplay At first glance The Crew looks like your standard point-to-point racer, albeit one with Burnout-style takedowns, FINALLY. According to the developers, thoug… Continue ReadingUncharted The Lost Legacy Gameplay German PS4 Pro - Zwischen den Göttern Uncharted The Lost Legacy Gameplay German Uncharted The Lost Legacy Deutsch Let's Play by KeysJoreLet's Play Uncharted The Lost Legacy kaufen: http://amzn.t… Continue Reading
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