Kid Spends $500 on brother's credit card to buy a PS4 PRANK! (REVENGE PRANK) [MUST WATCH] leave a reply Kid Spends 0 dollars on brother's credit card in ebay to buy a ps4! (REVENGE PRANK) [MUST WATCH]So i guess my brother couldn't handle my pranks against him anymore which caused him to create a fake bank statement that made me think someone robbed me. He must have got this idea from the "kids spends" videos on youtube (kid spends 00 on dad's credit card in eBay for an Xbox! MUST WATCH!!!) which are usually by lipsy jimmy and sernandoe. I'm going to get him back, this means war. Snapchat: SkullparkerMy Twitter : Facebook : InstaGRUM :$500, brother's, Card, credit, MUST, PRANK, Revenge, Spends, Watch-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Next Post post written by: Rafael
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