Let's play Pantropy tech demo gameplay: Base-building MMO/FPS game

Let's play Pantropy tech demo gameplay: Base-building MMO/FPS game
In this let's play Pantropy gameplay video we check out the base building tech demo for upcoming MMO FPS game Pantropy. Subscribe for more indie gameplay: http://bit.ly/RandomiseUser | Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/randomiseuser

Download free Pantropy tech demo: http://www.indiedb.com/games/pantropy/downloads

We jump into a very early version of Pantropy, an upcoming MMO game in this let's play Pantropy gameplay video.

Pantropy gameplay will eventually be an FPS MMO game with factions and resource collection on an alien planet, but is currently a base building test.

In this let's play Pantropy gameplay video we explore the tech demo's game forest and build a base that's 90% staircases, discovering that the real physics in Pantropy mean your base will probably fall to bits if you're not careful!

We also go exploring up a mountain to see the spectacular sunsets, and poke about in other people's bases - and we get to meet the devs in this let's play Pantropy tech demo gameplay video.


Thanks for watching this Pantropy gameplay video! Check out more exciting indie games:

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Official Pantropy gameplay description:

"Pantropy transports players to an alien world rich with natural resources and dangerous lifeforms. Exciting first-person shooter gameplay combines with resource collection and building mechanics for a truly unique massively multiplayer online gaming experience. "

Pantropy game version: Building Tech Demo 0.1.6
Pantropy release date: TBD
Developed by: Brain Stone
Formats available: PC Windows

Official Pantropy game site: http://www.playpantropy.com/
Free Pantropy demo download: http://www.indiedb.com/games/pantropy/downloads


Alpha Soup is a let's play/first impressions gameplay series where we play the most exciting unfinished indie games: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLvo6-XrH1flWq5KRBP8GhUqcGxJT5cPB

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Video Rating: / 5
-http://gameprostar.com/lets-play-pantropy-tech-demo-gameplay-base-building-mmofps-game/-Basebuilding, Demo, Game, Gameplay, Let's, MMOFPS, Pantropy, Play, Tech-Mmo Games

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