LOST ARK 38 Minutes of EPIC Gameplay - ALL Gameplay So Far (Upcoming PC MMORPG) Lost Ark Online

More info about the game!-
The Lost Ark which drove out evil in times long past. The Ark is a magical item, something that most people don't believe exists. Something that no one has seen since the war, on which most think is a legend fabricated by the bards. You will take on the role of the heroes who must save the world from the Demon Legion of Kazeroth. The world of the Lost Ark is alive and it's story is told by the players.

Smilegate RPG proudly presents Lost Ark, an exciting Hack & Slash MMORPG. Using the Unreal engine, the game features a beautifully illustrated world of epic proportions. Enter our unique fantasy world where the East meets the West.

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Outro Music by-
Transportation by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Video Rating: / 5

-http://gameprostar.com/lost-ark-38-minutes-of-epic-gameplay-all-gameplay-so-far-upcoming-pc-mmorpg-lost-ark-online/-Epic, Gameplay, Lost, Minutes, MMORPG, Online, Upcoming-Gameplay

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