Minecraft Console - 2 Woodland Mansion Seeds at Spawn! (PS3/4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Switch, Wii U)

Minecraft - 2 INCREDIBLE Woodland Mansion Seeds at Spawn!
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▶️Seed Playlist!

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Song - https://soundcloud.com/darkerthanwax/silo-new-life-summer-jams

Picture - https://wallpaperscraft.com/download/yosemite_national_park_california_valley_rock_mountains_waterfalls_forests_92568/1280x720

Artist - silo

❓Hey guys, welcome to TU54 for Minecraft Console! Also, welcome to the first Minecraft Console Woodland Mansion seed showcase :)

All coordinates and information about the seed!

Seed #1: 4278648535825492477
Woodland Mansion: x 340 z -357
Taiga Village #1: x 25 z 26
Taiga Village #2: x -192 z 19
Taiga Village #3: x -414 z -205
Jungle Temple: x 104 z 358
End Portal: x -68 z -12

Seed #2: 3117853330098520201
Woodland Mansion: x 252 z 225
Igloo #1: x 341 z 108
Igloo #2: x 270 z -193
End Portal: x 51 z 186

*This video is kid / family friendly!
*Comment "TU54" if you are reading this!
*I will be doing a giveaway soon!
Video Rating: / 5

-http://gameprostar.com/minecraft-console-2-woodland-mansion-seeds-at-spawn-ps34-xbox-one-xbox-360-switch-wii-u/-Console, MANSION, Minecraft, PS3/4, Seeds, Spawn, SWITCH, WOODLAND, Xbox-Xbox One

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