"MY FIRST GAME!" - Battlefield: Hardline Gameplay (NEW) leave a reply Battlefield: Hardline multiplayer gameplay - First game! :D► Check out Rise Above - http://riseabove.org.uk● (NEW) x100 SUPPLY DROPS - https://youtu.be/Zd_LnqTKjSwBattlefield: Hardline multiplayer gameplay - The game is now LIVE on PS4, Xbox and PC. This gameplay has been recorded in HD on the Xbox One (XB1) where the robbers and cops are fighting it out in an old school Team Death Match (TDM)! It's intense and I join the cops to try and win - ENJOY! :D Battlefield Hardline site: http://bit.ly/1E3ss4T► Follow me!• Facebook - http://facebook.com/AliAarmy• Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/OMGitsAliA• #AliAapp (iOS) - http://bit.ly/1b1ZpCu • #AliAapp (Android) - http://bit.ly/1bUezO3► The equipment I use!• Cheapest games - https://www.g2a.com/r/AliA• The headset I use - http://tinyurl.com/cr43q6h• How I record my gameplay - http://e.lga.to/a• Improve your aim (10% off) - http://bit.ly/1hvTpE4• My controller - Use "ALIA" for discount:http://bit.ly/ALIASCUFMusic (Listen/Download here): http://bit.ly/1cqNoF0Subscribe for more videos!- Ali-A---Video uploaded by Ali-A ( Matroix / Ali A )Big thanks to EA Ronku for supporting the video and getting me Battlefield Hardline early!Video Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/my-first-game-battlefield-hardline-gameplay-new/-Battlefield, First, Game, Gameplay, Hardline-Gameplay Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Dark Souls Publisher's Next Game Is a Golf MMO - GS News Update Next Post Top 5 Favorite Android Games (LG G Flex) post written by: Rafael Related PostsiOS Swift Game Tutorial: Create a game like Mega Jump Create a cool game like Mega Jump in under 2 hours using Sprite Kit.###Create a beautiful iOS Swift App from Start to Finish 87 % OFF###http://bit.ly/1QWnou… Continue ReadingTop 10 PS4 Hacks, Tips And Tricks Every Gamer Should Know Here are the 10 most useful tips & tricks to help you with your PS4!► Subscribe: http://www.YouTube.com/RobinGaming?sub_confirmation=1► Gam… Continue ReadingBest Battlefield 1 Settings for 4K UHD TV's or Monitor's (1080p 60fps) ○○○○○○ Support while shopping at Amazon ○○○○○○► Amazon US - http://amzn.to/1nA… Continue ReadingSD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online (Free MMO Shooter): Watcha Playin'? Gameplay First Look DOWNLOAD THE GAME FREE HERE►►► http://www.freemmostation.com/play/gundamWatcha Playin'? is a FreeMMOStation show where we give you a sneak… Continue ReadingTop Star Wars APP GAMES! @comicstorian @eligiblemonster @zodicalcandyhttp://www.facebook.com/eligiblemonster-Other Projects-Television Shows Movies?!http://www.youtube.com/c/comicst… Continue Reading
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