This is my grandpa. He's 74 years old. He’s been playing Asheron’s Call since 1999. It was announced on December 20, 2016 that Asheron's Call would close all its servers on January 31, 2017. I’m incredibly saddened that he will be losing a game he loves. If you play, you know it’s a close-knit community. There have been weddings and funerals on this game that he has attended with his characters. It’s heart breaking. So I’m putting a ‘call’ out there – I would like to find a new game for him! He's been so loyal to his AC. Both my sister and I played AC when we were kids. I’ll never forget the portal sound effects and the way drudge’s cry out. All three of us played together on Leafcull. I convinced him to do this video as he’s really shy. He kept trying to get me to leave his computer room, haha. Also, when he says he played the game “pissed,” he means pretty drunk one time. I remember him calling us the next day and he was really upset he got camped and lost all of his gear. But he kept running back to his body. That was on Darktide, and his character was completely naked after the whole ordeal.Video Rating: / 5
Evolution of Lineage 2 Lineage 1 1998 Prelude 2004 Lineage 2 Chronicle 1 Harbingers of War 2004 Lineage 2 Chronicle 2 Age of Splendor 2004 Lineage 2 Chronicle 3 Rise of Darkness 2005 Lineage 2 Chronicle 4 Scions of Destiny 2006 Lineage 2 Chronicle 5 Oath of Blood 2006 Lineage 2 Interlude 2007 Lineage 2 The Kamel 2007 Lineage 2 Gracia Final 2009 Lineage 2 Freya 2010 Lineage 2 High Five 2011 Lineage 2 goddess of destruction 2011 Lineage 2 Tauti 2012 Lineage 2 Lindvior 2013 Lineage 2 Ertheia 2014 Lineage 2 Helios 2016 Lineage 2 Grand Crusade 2017 Lineage 2 Revolution Mobile 2017Video Rating: / 5
-'s, Call, GRANDPA-Mmo Games
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