PS4 Hard Drive Upgrade / Swap (500GB to 2TB)

We (AFatBunny & xPvtRyanx) are not responsible for any damage or problems that occur with your device. This video is for educational purposes only! Use at your own risk!!!

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Hey everyone, in this video I will be showing you guys how you can upgrade your PS4 500GB hard drive into 1TB hard drive and keep all your saved game data, applications, account, pretty much all you had on your ps4 regular hard drive.
First step is to have a External hard drive that is big enough to back up all your PS4 data to the external hard drive. I have 2TB but 500GB is enough.

500GB External Hard Drive -
MY External Hard Drive -

The links above is what I have / recommend. You can buy this drives from your local electronics store.

The 1TB Hard Drive I choose is a Seagate 1TB SSHD (Solid State Hybrid Drive) -

Step 1: While you have the original 500GB PS4 HDD in the system. Turn on the system and plug in the external Hard Drive that is big enough to back up all your files. Go to Settings - System - Back Up and Restore - Back Up PS4 - Press OK - Wait for the System to collect all back up data and press Next - Back Up.
Step 2: After the Backup is complete. Turn off your PS4 and remove the side panel. Take the Fancy Playstation screw that is holding the hard drive. After you remove the drive from the system, unscrew the 4 screws and replace the hard drive with the hard drive you upgrading it to and tight up all 4 screws, insert the drive and screw the last screw and put the side panel Back on to the PS4.
Step 3: Once Step to is complete, connect the external Hard drive to a computer and download the playstation system software for the playstation website. Make a these folders in the External HDD. PS4 - UPDTAE and add the download into the folder. Plug the hard drive back into the PS4 and hold the power button until you hear 2nd beep. 1 being the power beep. Second will take you to safe mode. install software.
Step 4: Restore PS4 from the External hard drive after the system software installation is complete.

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Songs Provided by Epedemic Sound
Modern Warfare 2 -
Welcome To Ibiza 3 -
Indian Summer -
Video Rating: / 5

-, Drive, Hard, Swap, Upgrade-Ps4

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