PS4 Pro vs PS4 Slim (Playstation 4) - DIFERENÇAS | DANDO UM ZOOM #57 leave a reply Playstation 4 Pro, Slim ou Classic. Qual deles vale mais à pena?Entenda as principais diferenças entre cada um deles e escolha o melhor pra você. -----------------Dê um Zoom nos games pra PS4:ê um Zoom no Playstation 4 Pro:ê um Zoom no Playstation 4 Slim:ê um Zoom no Playstation 4 Classic: de outro console? de assistir, não esquece de dar um joinha, se inscrever no canal, compartilhar o vídeo e é claro, dar a sua opinião nos comentários. ;)Ficou alguma dúvida? Comenta aqui embaixo ou manda ela direto para os nossos Especialistas. Eles estão prontinhos pra te ajudar: MAIS:Baixe o App do Zoom: iOS e Android siga o Zoom no Twitter e também no Facebook Rating: / 5-, Diferenças, PlayStation, slim, ZOOM-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Xbox One X Reveal * Should you upgrade? Next Post Top 5 Console MMO's To Keep You Busy Until Neverwinter PS4 Arrives! post written by: Rafael Related PostsXbox One - USB/RGH Modding Very Soon!:: Xbox One modding is something that has been on hold for some time. Because of the Xbox 360 being discontinued its very likely we could see Xbox One USB/RGH … Continue ReadingNARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - 16 Minutes of NEW Gameplay | NEW Naruto Game 2018 (PS4/XBX/PC) NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - 16 Minutes of NEW Gameplay | NEW Naruto Game 2018 (PS4/XBX/PC)Donations - Imp… Continue ReadingWWE 2K17 DEMO!! GAMEPLAY IMPRESSIONS! Subscribe & join #DaSquad today!► Follow on Twitter:► Support me on Patreon: http://patreon.jamespulse.comKing… Continue ReadingHOW TO PLAY CONSOLE GAMES ON YOUR ANDROID BOX! EASY SET UP FOR RETRO ARCH EMULATOR MAY 2017 Alot of people have requested a video on how to play console games on your android device so here is my video to show you how to set up retro arch for playi… Continue ReadingMinecraft: EPIC FASHION (DRESS UP IN TONS OF OUTFITS!) Mod Showcase This mod lets you dress up in lots of different clothes!Jen's Channel! SHIRTS!… Continue Reading
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