In this video i break down what are the differences between the new xbox one s controller with bluetooth vs the standard xbox one controller. Come Follow me & Watch Me Play live on Twitch : Find me on Twitter & Toss me a follow : Find Me on Instagram & Toss me a follow : My Youtube Banner was designed by Twitter user @ITsWillDaThrll Hit Him up for graphics design. Intro & Outro Music: Thanks for taking your time to watch my videos. If you enjoyed them please leave a like, comment and subscribe for more content! I play tons of different games but mostly Call Of Duty. Some people call me a pro player but im just a guy playing video games trying to install some knowledge in to you jive turkeys ;) You wont find no Advanced Warfare & Ghosts Gameplays on my channel no more cause those games are whack! ;) Check my channel for reviews of games like titanfall, plants vs zombies, destiny, Diablo 3 , Clash Of Clans, e.t.c. I play it all! My channel has never been about the gameplays they are just there for you to watch its all about the commentarys! Tell your friends about me and help a brother out!!
The new Xbox One S has hit the market, and people seem excited about that. I went a head and purchased the controller since I already own an Xbox One. How does it stack up to it's predecessor? Twitter: @JoseVBetaVideo Rating: / 5
-, InDepth, Review, Standard, Xbox-Xbox One
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