Top 10 Best VR Games For Android leave a reply Best VR Android GamesYo people today I just hit my 100 subs on that I just brought u something special something different top 10 VR Android games hope u will like it with some music TRY TO WATCH IT FULL .*ALSO WATCH:-TOP 26 VR GAMES FOR ANDROID #2:- is Virtual Reality in this we just need Google cardboard to play this game just buy a Google cardboard and download vr games and just put ur phone right on to the cardboard and start enjoying this virtual reality.I buyed myself those cardboard and totally worth it, its not that high price like Galaxy gear so go ahead give same feeling u can also play 360 videos with this just ur phone need gyroscopic and magnetometer but u can stil l play it without but its not that great but still good.So thanks u all, hope will be doing for my 1000 subs too thank u all for all ur likes and subs ur guys are awesome.I will be bringing more vr games top list here so stay tunedIf u like my videos don't hesitate to hit that like button and subscribing my channel if u havent I try to put newest games in here with some top list so stay tuned.Also watch just second part I have made:-Top 26 Best VR Games For android- are games I mentioned in list:-10. Zombie shooter VR9.Vanguard V8.Tuscany Dive7.Roller Coaster VR6.Caaaaardboard!5.INmind VR4.Cosmic Roller Coaster3.Aquadrome VR2.Crazy Swing VR1.Cmoar Roller CoasterIn Game songs:-1)Distrion & Alex Skindro- Entropy- Heaven & E!Hide-My Heart- 'O Connor- Vibe - music-DIFFERENT HEAVEN AND EH!DE-MY HEART(ncs release) music-DEAF Key Invinsible- Rating: / 5-, Best, Games-Android Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post TOP 10 New MMO Games 2017 / 2018 MASSIVE MediEval Battles, Sea Pirate Fights & Civil War Next Post 7 Days to Die Xbox One post written by: Rafael Related PostsAndroid Games - Vadivelu Version Follow us onFacebook - - Rating: / 5-… Continue ReadingTop 10 best new ios & editor choice android games of 2016 A ton of great new mobile games for the iOS and Android platforms came out this past month. Check out what new 2016 had in store.Subscribe for more:… Continue ReadingTOP TEN NEW "HARDCORE MMORPG" 2017 - 2018 For those looking to challenge Gods and write auto-biographical epics; these are the upcoming hardcore MMORPG that are clawing their way to the top of the g… Continue ReadingGTA 5 Online - XBOX ONE MODS? (Xbox One Mods):: GTA 5 Online Mods on the Xbox One, Xbox one mods! In this video I discuss the topic of mods on GTA 5 on the Xbox One and what has happened in the past 3 mon… Continue ReadingPS4 Slim UNBOXING and REVIEW GRAB ONE HERE: and review of the brand new Playstation 4 Slim. If you haven't got a PS4 yet, this is your best option as it'… Continue Reading
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