Top 5 Free-to-Play Multiplayer Console Shooters (Xbox One & PS4) - Haptic Countdown 12

Top 5 Free-to-Play Multiplayer Console Shooters (Xbox One & PS4) - Haptic Countdown 12
My list of the best free to play shooters available on consoles, primarily the Xbox One and the Playstation 4.

Here are the featured games:
#5: World of Tanks (Xbox 360, Xbox One)
#4: BlackLight Retribution (PS4)
#3: War Thunder (PS4)
#2: Loadout (PS4)
#1: Warframe (Xbox One, PS4)

How Video Games Make You Smarter!:

Honorable Mentions:
Defiance (Xbox 360, PS3)
Dust 514 (PS3)
Killzone Multiplayer (PS3)

The usage of all the content used in the making for this video falls under the terms of the Creative Commons Public License: & general fair use.

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-, Countdown, freetoplay, Haptic, Multiplayer, SHOOTERS, Xbox-Mmo Games

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