Uncharted The Lost Legacy - All 24 GUNS - Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum Trophy leave a reply Uncharted The Lost Legacy Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum trophy guide. There are 24 guns. 22 of them can be unlocked and equiped in the bonus menu, available after you beat the game once. Two of them have to be found and used in the game. They are the DShK and the Mounted Turret► Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/PS4TrophiesTwitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/ps4trophiesTwitter ► https://twitter.com/PS4_TrophiesWebsite ► http://www.ps4trophiesgaming.com/#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬★ This Game includes the following trophies ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Don’t Ruin The Moment Collect all the TrophiesLegacy Found! Complete the GameProgress Demands Sacrifice Complete the Game in Crushing modeCasual Treasure Hunter Find 5 treasuresHardcore Treasure Hunter Find 35 treasuresCollector of Antiquities Find all the treasuresShake For Your Fortune Ask Skeleseer a questionToken For Granted Find a Hoysala TokenYas Queen Find all the Hoysala tokens and obtain the Queen’s RubyFive Finger Discount Open 5 lockboxesPicks or It Didn’t Happen Open every lockbox#nofilter Take a photo at 5 photo opportunitiesPics or It Didn’t Happen Take a photo at all the photo opportunitiesGetting to Know You Listen to all optional conversationsSi Vis Pacem Para Bellum Use every gun in the gameWere You Counting? Defeat an enemy with the last bullet in your handgun clip10 Up, 10 Down Defeat 10 enemies with headshots in a rowFrazer. Chloe Frazer. Defeat 5 consecutive enemies with the silenced pistol without being detected.Itchy Trigger Finger Defeat 20 enemies firing from-the-hipStay and Pray Defeat 20 enemies blind-firing from coverTip of the Hat Stealth take-down 10 armored enemies with melee by first removing their helmetsRoyal Demolitionist Defeat 20 enemies with C4On the Grid Mark 30 enemiesI Was Never Here Open a lockbox with enemies nearbyC-Phoria Defeat 4 enemies with one C4 detonationJust the Wind Stealth take-down 15 enemies in a rowNow You See Me… Break stealth and re-enter stealth successfullyWingwoman Perform 10 combo partner takedownsThe Way of the Warrior Make it to the outskirts of Halebidu in Chapter 5 without using a firearm or explosiveThe Sampler Defeat 5 enemies, each one taking damage from a handgun, long-gun, and…Make an Entrance Defeat enemies with the vehicle, long-gun, melee, and grenade, in that order, in 20 secondsBring in the Big Guns Defeat 30 enemies with gold weapons4x4x4 Defeat 4 enemies with the vehicle 20 secondsDrop Me a Line Use all the zip-lines to traverse the cityYour Prize Appreciate the view at the top of the Hoysala EmpireBest Driver in the Business Drive from the Ganesh mountain carving to the top of the waterfall at the Trident FortFlawless Gauntlet Get through all 3 Axe Fort trials without resetting any boardsQuiet as a Mouse After entering the Trident Fort, reach the door without being seenTarzana Perform 5 grapple swings in a row without touching the groundStunt It! Get 30 seconds of total airtime with the vehicleShadow Theater Complete the shadow puzzle in 10 moves or lessMarco Po-No Play in the water in the dam in HalebiduFingersmith Pick a three pin lock in under 15 secondsOverkill Plant multiple C4 charges on the APC at the same time and destroy it with one massive detonationCannonball Perform an impressive dive from the cliff near the old railroad tracksRight Under Your Nose Destroy the helicopter without defeating any other enemiesCombat Racing Ram 10 motorcyclesBackseat Driver Commandeer 6 vehicles by jumping on them and kicking out the driverHere, Catch! Destroy a vehicle in Chapter 9 with an explosiveLet’s Not Get Caught Drive over the edge in the Western GhatsVideo Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/uncharted-the-lost-legacy-all-24-guns-si-vis-pacem-para-bellum-trophy/-Bellum, Guns, Legacy, Lost, Pacem, PARA, Trophy, UNCHARTED-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Rainbow Six Siege Alpha Packs Xbox One Opening [PS4 Alpha Packs Later] Next Post Gears of War 4 - AMAZING ONLINE MULTIPLAYER GAMEPLAY! post written by: Rafael Related PostsMarvel Heroes Omega Announce Trailer Marvel Heroes Omega assembles one of the largest gatherings of iconic Super Heroes, Super Villains, and locations from the Marvel Universe in gaming history… Continue ReadingHow To Record Xbox One Gameplay With Voice How To Record Xbox One Gameplay With VoiceLearn How To Record Your Xbox One Gameplay With Voice, NO Capture Card RequiredJcEcho What do you think about my n… Continue ReadingXBOX ONE Hard Drive Rant 500GB Is A Lie SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!Like and comment my videoThanks for watchingHope you enjoyed================================================Check out my other videos:ht… Continue Readinghow to run android apps on windows phone 8.1 how to run android apps on windows phone 8.1-http://gameprostar.com/how-to-run-android-apps-on-windows-phone-8-1/-Android, APPS, Phone, Windows-Android… Continue ReadingBattlefield 1 multiplayer madness No commentary when new games come up ill pick them up and make a full play-through about it plus click the like button and subscribe for moreVideo Rating: / 5-http://game… Continue Reading
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