Rainbow Six Siege Alpha Packs Xbox One Opening [PS4 Alpha Packs Later]

Sponsor: https://goo.gl/e1m3Iz Tip? Thanks for your generosity: https://goo.gl/fCKYoQ
0 Gift Card Giveaway - https://goo.gl/HRiCdT
Destiny 2 Early Access Beta - https://goo.gl/kcDMLh
Elgato Giveaway - https://goo.gl/RYiHb1
MissAyalah - https://www.twitch.tv/missayalah
New channel vlog - https://www.youtube.com/c/NDougVlog
NukemDead (Red Dead Redemption) channel - https://goo.gl/bSYpPr
My Capture Card: https://goo.gl/wihdrr
Feed me on stream: https://goo.gl/Gkc1v1
Twitch: https://goo.gl/7SEs96
Discord - https://discord.gg/nukemdukem

1. Be nice and respectful PG-13 Chat (No Cursing, Racism, Politics, Sexual jokes and etc.)
2. Mods usually remove inappropriate message, timeout, and silent ban (you won't know that you are banned).
3. Do not ask for a shout out & advertise
4. Please do not mention about ad block & please disable it. It hurts all YouTubers.
5. No Spoilers, Backseat gaming is okay if I need help.
6. Links are okay if they are related to the stream and is appropriate.
7. Please speak in English since this stream is in English
8. Don't tell a streamer to play a different game than the other one that I am already playing.
9. New viewers should read this https://goo.gl/yaeQTw
10. I only play with YouTube Sponsors since I am flooded with requests.
Video Rating: / 5

-http://gameprostar.com/rainbow-six-siege-alpha-packs-xbox-one-opening-ps4-alpha-packs-later/-Alpha, Later, Opening, Packs, RAINBOW, SIEGE, Xbox-Xbox One

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