Why are Nintendo selling 25 year old games and empty boxes?

Nintendo are at it AGAIN and this time they’re trying to charge you close to AAA prices for a game that came out in early 90’s, Street Fighter 2, for the switch. Oh and they’re also selling empty boxes for their game Splatoon 2…Yeah we don’t know why either.

We’re also reading your comments as usual so let us know something in the comments down below & maybe we’ll read it next week!

Empty Boxes - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/nintendo-is-selling-an-empty-splatoon-2-box/1100-6450226/

Street Fighter II - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-05-15-street-fighter-2-nintendo-switch-first-person-mode-is-the-worst-of-wii-waggle

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The game i am exploring is called active worlds it was popular in the 90s but is now totally abandoned.

-http://gameprostar.com/why-are-nintendo-selling-25-year-old-games-and-empty-boxes/-boxes, empty, Games, Nintendo, Selling, Year-Mmo Games

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