Why Java is Bad for Games

Do you know why Java is bad for games?

I'd guess that from all the Java errors I get trying to play little free Flash games I come across online.

Java was used to create a number of MMORPG games. Java was used to build Runescape.

That's about as ancient as WoW, but with far fewer players.

Why is Java used for games at all?

One of the benefits of developing games in Java is putting all of the code in a single compressed file that you can offer people for download -- and it won't take forever to download.

Java consumes runtime resources that way.

Java is perfect for server based applications, which is why it is popular for games that run on a web page.

You can find open source 2D games in Java, but you do not see 3D games in Java because it doesn't handle 3D well.

You need OpenGL and a host of other applications to build 3D games.

What language are the 3D games written in?

C++ is better for graphics intensive games. You use C++ to control the sound card, video card and even memory allocations.

C# is used for game development, too.

C in all its forms is used for gaming as well as applications like drivers. Java isn't used for any major games.

Minecraft is built in Java.

Minecraft was built from Java, LWJGL and a lot of stitched together coding. Its performance, though, is horrible.

Why is the performance so bad?

Java uses a lot of memory, even for simple games.

Java, especially the streamline Java ME, is ideal for games. It has a simpler API and uses fewer resources.

Java only gets used for games that use few resources and where performance does not matter. For everything else, there are variants of C and other languages.
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-http://gameprostar.com/why-java-is-bad-for-games/-Games, Java-Mmo Games

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