XBOX One 3.5mm Wireless Controller with ASTRO A40 Headset leave a reply With the new 3.5mm port on the XBOX One Wireless Controller, you can use your favorite headset without the audio headset adapter. This video shows you the new xbox settings and how to set it up with a pair of ASTRO A40's. Available soon on the CINCH ONE! In this video i show you the new xbox one controller that microsoft just released.Come Follow me & Watch Me Play live on Twitch : me on Twitter & Toss me a follow : Me on Instagram & Toss me a follow : for taking your time to watch my videos.If you enjoyed them please leave a like, comment and subscribe for more content!I play tons of different games but mostly Call Of Duty.Some people call me a pro player but im just a guy playing video games trying to install some knowledge in to you jive turkeys ;) You wont find no Advanced Warfare & Ghosts Gameplays on my channel no more cause those games are whack! ;)Check my channel for reviews of games like titanfall, plants vs zombies, destiny, Diablo 3 , Clash Of Clans, e.t.c. I play it all!My channel has never been about the gameplays they are just there for you to watch its all about the commentarys!Tell your friends about me and help a brother out!!-, Astro, controller, Headset, Wireless, Xbox-Xbox One Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post toy blast hack kaskus - toy blast cheats android Next Post Sony Goes Back To Shipped Numbers As They Allegedly Ship 60 Million PS4 Consoles post written by: Rafael Related PostsOK THEY FIXED THIS | Infinite Warfare Multiplayer Gameplay OK THEY FIXED THIS | Infinite Warfare Multiplayer Gameplay! LEAVE A LIKE IF YOU ENJOYED AND WANT MORE INFINITE WARFARE VIDEOS! Subscribe to join the wolf Pa… Continue ReadingI FOUND AN XBOX ONE CLAW MACHINE! Today I play a bunch of Claw Machines and Arcade Games at Sea World in San Diego California. I also found a Claw Machine with an Xbox One and a PS4! Lets se… Continue Reading#1 ザクルー (the crew)【PS4】日本語版 実況 2014/12/04公開今回はザクルー製品版をプレイして&#… Continue ReadingTop 10 Best RTS games for Android iOS 2016 ( real time strategy) best real time strategy games for android & ios. search on google or youtube if you cant find any games.subscribe for more :)Video Rating: / 5-http://ga… Continue ReadingGame like RuneScape MOST Look/Play alike game Eldevin (GUARANTEED) In this video I show you guys a perfect replacer for RuneScape.Looking for a new game, that plays and looks like RuneScape, this game would probably get clo… Continue Reading
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