Xbox One NOT Connecting To INTERNET! (BROKEN XBOX ONE) leave a reply Xbox One NOT Connecting To Internet!UPDATED!So after hours on hold with the Microsoft customer service, I got ahold of someone. He tried to help me trouble shoot the Xbox and I was on the phone with him for over an hour. Eventually we established that there was nothing that he was able to do and that I received a defective Xbox. I am going to be shipping the Xbox One back to them and getting a refund.I have been trying to contact Microsoft Customer Service about this problem, but I've been on hold for ever an hour now and STILL NO HELP? I received a BROKEN XBOX ONE on DAY ONE and asking for help and just get put on hold? Microsoft's customer service is a JOKE! This will be the last Microsoft product I will ever buy. If possible I will be trying to get a refund for the BROKEN XBOX ONE!►Twitter One Not Connecting To Internet!Xbox One Not Connecting To Internet!Xbox One Not Connecting To Internet!Video Rating: / 5-, Connecting, INTERNET, Xbox-Xbox One Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Next Post post written by: Rafael
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