XIM4 - Overwatch 77 Kills Genji by KUS_SWAT on Lijiang Tower (PS4)

XIM4 - Overwatch 77 Kills Genji by KUS_SWAT on Lijiang Tower (PS4)
If you enjoy KUS_SWAT's XIM4 gameplay dont forget to check out his livestreams on Youtube, link to channel:

Gameplay done by KUS_SWAT played with a XIM4 on Overwatch (Playstation 4)
Score: 77 - 7
Map: Lijiang Tower
Mod: Control
Video Rating: / 5

XIM4 PS4 Rainbow Six: Siege - Caveira XIM 4 Showcase
Elgato Game capture card HD 60 PRO + Logitech Webcam C920 + Razer Seiren Pro + HORI controller Test :
19/9/2016 update:you can walk now, you can set it on the phone app, i set the walk key is "E",when you want to walk slowly, just hold "E" and "W" to walk slowly.

Xim4 just assist you ,can't elevate your awareness.
If you want to be powerful, play hard~!
Xim4 can make you turn round and aim feel better, but it not equal to you can win Controller Players

I will use Xim4 and Controller too, i don't want to rely Xim4 for life, cause it will lose my Controller skills.

First of all ,you can't use your controller earphone/microphone audio out and in , you need to ready a USB microphone.
Want to talk and listen in party chat?
Here is my setup:
Earphone plugin to my Monitor audio out, than use the USB microphone, Ps4 will auto change the mic in to USB microphone.
then back to PS4 Setting→Devices→Audio Devices→Output Device set to TV or AV Amplifier after that all sound will output from the TV/Monitor Audio output SO,ready a USB microphone .
(Don't buy the expensive microphone like Razer Seiren, it not support PS4 )

Second this info have many text , but i have play the PS4 ver and PC ver Siege, i know what problem you will to face, and i will make a new video very soom to show you what the different after you use Xim4.
Please subscribe and like my youtube and don't forget to follow my tiwtch=], if you want to support me.
If you have any question ,you can leave a comments.

I have play PC ver. siege , and i know what the different if you use xim 4 on PS4 ver.

1.On PC you can set one key to use your Knife and it will cancel the zoom automatic,
but PS4 is only use "R3" .What mean? It mean when you zoom in, you press"R3" is lean right,
you need to cancel the zoom by yourself and pree "R3" to use the Knife.
Back to Xim4 setting, I set L3 = Left Shift and R3 = F ,if may be little Conflict,
Left Shift=Move/Sprint/Lean Left
Right Shift=Look/Lean Right/Melee
but you can practice to get used to.

In PC ver. you just need to Press "E" and "Q" , you can do the lean right/left.
"Left Shift" to run ,and"F" to Melee

If you want to see the my setting and xim4 iphone app look like , please click me:

Controller to keyboard control setting:
↑ =B (Switch Firing Mode)
↓ =5 (Observation Tool)
←=Z (Ping)
→=6 (Vote Interface/Deploy Dron)

口=R (Interact/Reload)
O =Ctrl (Change Stance)
△=1 (Weapon Swap)
X = Space Bar (Vault/Navigate)

L1=G (Generic Gadget/Secondary Gadget)
R1=T (Unique Ability/Primary Gadget)
L2=Mouse right click (Aim)
R2=Mouse left click (Shoot)
L3=Left Shift (Lean Left/Sprint)
R3=F (Lean Right/Melle)

Keybaord WASD=Move
Mouse = Look

Special setting on the phone app :
Walk:"E" when you want to walk slowly, just hold "E" and "W" to walk slowly.
Sensitivity:300 ( i set it 300,but you can set it you like,different mouse dpi is not the same)

In-Game Settings:
Sensitivity: 100% (set it you like)
ADS Sensitivity: 100%(set it you like)
Left & Right Stick Deadzone: 5%
And the dpi Sensitivity set on the phone app how much you like.

Xim4 just assist you ,can't elevate your awareness.
If you want to be powerful, play hard~!
Xim4 can make you turn round and aim feel better, but it not equal to you can win Controller Players

I will use Xim4 and Controller too, i don't want to rely Xim4 for life, cause it will lose my Controller skills.
Video Rating: / 5-http://gameprostar.com/xim4-overwatch-77-kills-genji-by-kus_swat-on-lijiang-tower-ps4/-Genji, KILLS, KUS_SWAT, Lijiang, Overwatch, Tower, XIM4-Ps4

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