Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA - Walkthrough Part 4 [Full 1080p HD]

This is my Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Walkthrough series for the PSV and in 2017 for the PlayStation 4. Please thumbs up, comment and subscribe for more coverage.

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About Game:
The latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation 4 features an interview with Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo ahead of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana‘s Japanese PS Vita release.
Development went on longer than planned, but to that extent Ys VIII will be the most substantial game in the series.
Since Ys: Memories of Celceta was received highly favorably, we used that as our starting point for ideas.
While with the Trails series we decide upon the story from the beginning, with Ys we have ideas as we go along about how to solidify the setting, story, and characters.
We wanted to tell the story from the perspective of someone other than Adol, so we came up with the idea of dual protagonists.
Laxia is a young noble woman who doesn’t have a good impression of adventurers.
Since Dogi was once a party character, this time we wanted to give him the role of chief of the Drifting Village.
The game will take about 40 hours to complete if you only do the minimum. With side elements and such, the game will take about 60 hours.
2016 is the series’ 30th anniversary, but we’re aiming to start work on the next game while making the PlayStation 4 version. We’re really busy with the new title, but somehow or another I want to plan an event.
We’re thinking about some of the things we want to do for the PlayStation 4 version. The PS Vita version will have a Boss Time Attack feature and loading screen tips added via a day one patch.
“Pirates of the Distant Sea” costumes for six characters, including Dana, will be released for 300 yen each, and attachment items for 100 yen each. Free downloadable content is also planned for the game’s day of release.
Even internally we think Ys VIII turned out to be a great game, and even first-time players can enjoy it, so we definitely hope you’ll pick it up.
On the last page of Dengeki PlayStation’s Ys VIII feature, it is said that Falcom’s 2015-announced “The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is in development and aiming for a 2017 release.”

Dengeki PlayStation also reviewed Ys VIII in this issue, giving it a 90, 95, 90, and 90 between four reviewers. The magazine says its traditional story is exciting, menu controls are favorable, maps are convenient and informative, battles are crisp and smooth, dashes are fast, and warps are handy. As for the negatives, it says that camera control might take some getting used to, load times are slightly long when switching between maps, and party members don’t participate much when fighting smaller enemies.

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana is due out for PS Vita in Japan on July 21 and for PlayStation 4 in 2017.

-http://gameprostar.com/ys-viii-lacrimosa-of-dana-walkthrough-part-4-full-1080p-hd/-1080P, Dana, Full, Lacrimosa, Part, VIII, Walkthrough-Ps4

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