Android App - Don't Pause! Prevent Music Interuptions
Android App - Don't Pause! Prevent Music Interuptions
Stop notifications from interrupting your music listening experience. Play Store Link: http://goo.gl/JVASMj Please Support My Channel By Buying From Amazon: US - http://full.sc/YsiC9M UK - http://full.sc/Wmc1Py Follow Me and Stay Up To Date On My Videos: Google+: http://www.plus.google.com/+JaredBusch Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/smokingandroid Facebook: http://full.sc/VEfB9v Blog: http://www.thesmokingandroid.com Business inquiries email: jared@thesmokingandroid.com Audio file(s) provided by http://www.audiomicro.com -http://gameprostar.com/android-app-dont-pause-prevent-music-interuptions/-Android, Don't, Interuptions, Music, Pause, Prevent-Android
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